ARRA Reporting System Open for all Sub-Recipients
December 8, 2009

The ARRA Quarterly Reporting System is now open to collect the second quarter data, required of all ARRA recipients. It is pre-populated with the first quarter data for the period ending September 30, 2009, as certified and submitted by each sub-recipient. The previous period's report may be selected from the drop-down box, but is in "read only" form for reference only. All changes must be made in the current period reporting selection. It is important to note that information that sub-recipients certify and submit in each subsequent quarter is cumulative from the beginning of the award period, July 1, 2009. For each fund received, sub-recipients should review the existing narrative(s), job creation and saved numbers, infrastructure amounts where applicable, and vendor information. Sub-recipients should make changes as appropriate to reflect cumulative activity through the end of the current reporting period for each fund. The Superintendent or chief executive must complete the process by certifying and submitting each fund, whether or not there have been additions or corrections to the data.

As with the first ARRA reporting, sub-recipients will submit expenditure data to draw down funds from NYSED's Grants Finance Office and Grants Finance will report this information to the ARRA reporting system for inclusion in the quarterly report. Sub-recipients do not report expenditure data directly to the ARRA reporting system.

Changes from the First ARRA Reporting

  1. Multiple quarterly reporting has been added. Please select the period ending December 31, 2009 for this period's reporting. Reporting is cumulative so recipients should report on the use of funds from July 1, 2009 to December 31, 2009. For purposes of reporting, sub-recipients should report their data as of December 23, 2009.
  2. Recipients that fail to report on the use of any ARRA grant may have their total ARRA funding deferred until reporting is completed for all funds in the following period.
  3. Sub-recipients can incorporate program changes through the reporting process by making appropriate revisions to the data reporting and providing an explanation by way of a revised narrative explaining the change. Sub-recipients are urged to contact the appropriate SED program office to discuss any significant changes. For Education Stabilization Funds, contact the Office of Educational Management at 518-474-6541.
  4. Additional changes are expected to result from action by the Governor and Legislature to use additional 2010-11 ARRA funds for 2009-10 school aid. These changes will be incorporated in the reporting period ending March 31, 2010.

Time Line

Reports are due from all sub-recipients on December 30, 2009. NYSED will submit the data from all sub-recipients to the federal government by January 10, 2010 and ask sub-recipients to correct the data from January 11-21, 2010. From January 22-29, the federal government will review the data and ask NYSED to make corrections and on January 31, 2010, will publish the data on external link icon.

ARRA Online Quarterly Reporting Instructions

Last Updated: March 26, 2010
February 6, 2014February 6, 2014