Quarterly Reporting System for 2012 - Quarter 2 Period

New This Quarter

Many of the ARRA grant award periods ended by September 30, 2011. Any grant awards that have been completed and have received final approval by the SED Office of Grants Finance will appear in the reporting system as “No Open Projects” and grant recipients will not need to submit a quarterly report.

Race to the Top (RTTT) funding continues through the 2013-14 fiscal year. All sub-recipients should complete a 1512 quarterly report for 2012 Quarter 2. Note that vendor payments are cumulative for the fiscal year and should reflect RTTT funds expended from July 1, 2011 – June 15, 2012 but jobs created or saved are reported quarterly and thus should only include FTE’s between March 16, 2012 and June 15, 2012. For additional guidance, FTE calculations, FAQ’s and more visit our quarterly reporting page.

Continuing grant awards, such as Title I School Improvement Grants (SIG), Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF), and Title II-D Technology funds will report as usual. Please check the system for any outstanding grants that show as “Open Projects.” See General Guidance below if you have questions.

Education Jobs Fund (EJF) funding continues into the 2011-12 school year. Sub-recipients with approved 2011-12 projects, including any carryover or supplemental amount, should be reported to capture the FTE’s funded directly in the period March 16, 2012 - June 15, 2012.

General Guidance

Note that sub-recipients will only report on approved award amounts. If you are receiving an award but do not see it in the drop down box you should contact the appropriate SED Program Office to review the reason(s) for the discrepancy. You may also submit an email request to the general ARRA Reporting mailbox emscmgts@mail.nysed.gov and we will pass it on to the appropriate office. For each grant displayed in the system, CEOs are expected to certify and submit a report, even if there has been no activity in the current quarter.

For each grant award, review the existing narrative(s), job numbers, infrastructure amounts where applicable, and vendor information. Make changes as appropriate to reflect activity during the current reporting period for each fund.

The Superintendent or Chief Executive must complete the process by certifying and submitting each fund, whether or not there have been additions or corrections to the data.

All quarterly reporting is done online through the NYSED Business Application Portal (http://portal.nysed.gov). Check our General Guidance for additional information.

Reporting Jobs Created or Retained

Consistent with federal guidance on jobs reported under ARRA, jobs reported as created or retained must be paid directly with ARRA funds. ARRA grant recipients should count only the ARRA-funded FTEs in the current reporting quarter.

Expenditure Reporting

As with previous ARRA quarterly reporting, sub-recipients will submit expenditure data to draw down funds from the appropriate NYSED payment office, which will provide this information to the ARRA reporting system for inclusion in the quarterly report. Except for infrastructure expenses and payments to outside vendors, sub-recipients do not report expenditure data directly in the ARRA reporting system.


Vendor payments are cumulative from the time of award. For sub-recipient quarterly reporting, each year’s award has a different project number and is reported separately in the form. Include only amounts from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012 for 2011-12 grant awards (including any carryover funds from 2010-11 grant awards).

Sub-recipients will continue to draw down funds from their respective payment offices.

Time Line

Reports are due from all sub-recipients by June 29, 2012. NYSED will then submit the data from all sub-recipients to the federal government. The federal government will then review the data, request corrections as needed and publish final results on http://www.recovery.gov/ by July 31, 2012.

Last Updated: February 6, 2014