Other ARRA Grants
Title I
Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA)
Title II-D
Cafeteria Equipment
ARRA Preschool Special Education Grants
- Reporting Requirements for Section 4410 Preschool Special Education (1 MB)
- Training on ARRA Quarterly Reporting Requirements for counties which are receiving ARRA funding for preschool special education
Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP)
- Reporting Requirements for Public Computer Centers (PCCs) in the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) (1.32 MB)
- Training on ARRA Quarterly Reporting Requirements for public libraries which are receiving ARRA funding for the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP)
Government Services
- Teacher Resources and Computer Training Centers
- Math and Science High School
Contact: Sharon Holder at sholder@mail.nysed.gov - Special Academic Improvement Grant
Contact: Charles Szuberla at cszuberl@mail.nysed.gov - Teacher Mentor-Intern Program
- Syracuse Say Yes to Education Program
- Public Television and Radio
- DHCR Sub-prime Foreclosure Prevention Services Program
- 4410 Reimbursement to Counties for Preschool Special Education
Contact: Michael Plotzker at mplotzke@mail.nysed.gov
- Teacher Resources and Computer Training Centers
Vocational Rehabilitation
Independent Living Centers
Last Updated:
June 24, 2015