Race to the Top (RTTT)

UPDATE 2/10/15 – Final Revised Allocations for Remaining Participating LEAs Posted

RTTT Grant Award Period (for original RTTT grant allocations to LEA's)
The grant period for LEAs awarded a Race to the Top grant started on October 1, 2010 and ends September 23, 2014. If your LEA has an approved RTTT Scope of Work then RTTT funds, as listed in RTTT LEA Allocations, will be available during this time period. Please note that award letters are only mailed for each year of the grant after an annual budget is submitted through the NYSED Business Application Portal.

Budgets for Years 4 and 5
All approved RTTT projects for year 4 (2013-14) will be extended through 9/23/14. For year 4, all obligations must be incurred within the project period, 7/1/13 – 9/23/14. Please note that new Budget submissions and Budget Amendments for year 4 will not be accepted after 8/31/14.

Grantees that have requested a no cost extension will be able to budget remaining funds in year 5 for the period 9/24/14 – 6/30/15. These grantees will be required to submit the 2013-14 Final Expenditure Report (FER) before the year 5 Budget can be accessed in the Business Portal.

Note: Year 5 (2014-15) projects will operate 9/24/14 – 6/30/15. At the end of this period, all grantees participating in year 5 will be given 30 days to expend all budgeted funds and submit the Final Expenditure Report (FER) in the Business Portal. Late submission of a Final Expenditure Report in year 5 may jeopardize reimbursement for expenses incurred by the grantee.

No Cost Extensions
Participating New York State Race to the Top school districts and Charter Schools (LEAs) may request an extension to their 4 year local RTTT allocations in one or all of the assurance areas in which additional time is required to complete. LEAs should only request an extension of RTTT reimbursement funding in order to meet their specific reform goals as outlined in their approved Scope of Work.

If an LEA chooses to request a no cost extension of RTTT funding in order to fulfill their RTTT reform goals, the LEA should submit a brief description of the activities that will occur during the extension period in the narrative of the 2014-15 budget on or after September 24, 2014. If your LEA will be requesting an extension, be sure to check the extension request box before certifying and submitting the 2013-14 budget. Original Memorandums of Understanding will remain in effect during any approved extensions.

If your LEA did budget funds for Year 3 and has not yet submitted your Final Expenditure Report for school year 2012-13, you must do so and have it approved by the Department before you can enter your Year 4 budget information.

Please see below for additional guidance or email questions to rttt@mail.nysed.gov.

General Guidance

Reporting Guidance

Monitoring and Vendor Performance System (MVPS)
The Monitoring and Vendor Performance System (MVPS) is an online Database system that monitors the status of Race to the Top (RttT) contracts, grants and memorandums of understanding (MOUs).

RTTT Application and Scope of Work Information

Federal Guidance


Last Updated: August 2, 2017