Scoring Changes to the Grade 3 - 8 Assessments

Statement on Research Related to Proficiency on State Assessments

At their meeting on Monday, July 19, the Board of Regents endorsed the rationale that I offered for re-setting the cut scores on the state’s 3-8 math and English assessments. I attach the technical research that Howard Everson and Dan Koretz (both members of the State’s Technical Advisory Group) conducted to inform the Regents’ decisionmaking. Also attached is a memo produced by David Liebowitz, the current Ambach Fellow with the State Education Department, and Dan Koretz which clarifies technical issues related to Everson and Koretz’s research. The Department’s Office of Higher Education contributed the attached additional information which was publicly presented at the Board meeting in April. All of this research was conveyed to me in the attached materials. These materials constitute the entirety of the research put before me and Department staff; neither Everson nor Koretz produced a report of their findings. The slides I presented to the Regents at their July meeting were based on this research, as previously indicated. The slides and the complete presentation have been posted to the web.

David Steiner
Commissioner of Education
New York State Education Department

Supporting Technical Materials


Last Updated: August 18, 2010