ARRA Education Jobs Fund (EJF) Final Expenditure Report

The online Final Expenditure Report for ARRA – EJF funds replaces the traditional FS-10-F process for this grant. (Please note that the online report will only be used for ARRA Education Stabilization Fund (ESF), Education Jobs Fund (EJF) and Race to the Top (RTTT) funds.  All other ARRA grant funds require submission of the FS-10-F Long Form, consistent with standard Department grant processes or other closeout procedures for payment offices other than Grants Finance.)

School districts are required to submit the ARRA-EJF Final Expenditure Report in the ARRA Reporting System online at  Districts that did not receive approval to spend any EJF funds in the 2010-11 school year because they will use it in the 2011-12 school year, will not file a Final Expenditure Report for 2010-11.

School districts are to submit data on actual expenditures that correspond to the final approved budget and narrative, reflecting any amendments, noting any deviations from the approved budget or narrative.

Users can reset their own passwords using the reset password link on the red bar at the above site.  If additional password or user code assistance is needed, users should contact the SED Delegated Account System (SEDDAS) Help number at: 518-473-8832.

Additional Guidance PDF ICON  (109 KB)
Last Updated: August 3, 2011