2010-11 Education Jobs Fund (EJF) Budget and Narrative Is Now Open


   ARRA Education Jobs Fund monies for 2010-11 were appropriated by the Legislature on December 7, 2010.  Sub-recipients will not report on this fund this quarter; however they must file a Budget Summary and Narrative in the on-line ARRA system.  It is accessible under the ESF Applications and Final Expenditures tab below. Sub-recipients will begin quarterly reporting in the next quarter ending March 31, 2011.

   IMPORTANT NOTE: Sub-recipients should budget only the portion of their total allocation for which they anticipate incurring obligations beginning August 10, 2010 and ending June 30, 2011Each sub-recipient must certify and submit a Narrative describing their multi-year plan for the funds. A Budget Summary showing no funds will be spent in 2010-11 will be accepted by the system. Any remaining funds will be available for obligation from July 1, 2011 through June 30, 2012. A second year budget summary will be filed for this amount in the on-line ARRA system for the 2011-12 school year. The total allocation will be made available to your district over this multi-year period.

   Applications are due from all sub-recipients by January 14, 2011. Sub-recipients must file and receive approval of their budget summary before receiving funds or reporting quarterly.

    The Superintendent or chief executive must complete the process by certifying and submitting the EJF application for 2010-11. Please see additional guidance on the NYSED ARRA website, under the Education Jobs Fund: http://usny.nysed.gov/arra/ejf/.


Last Updated: January 19, 2011